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Kids birthday parties, do you have to invite everyone??

Every child loves having a birthday party, whether at home, away at a park or jumpy park or climbing wall, they all love having their friends and family around to celebrate their big day. Here is the question though, do you have to invite everyone? 

When my son was younger it was a definite, everyone in his preschool class was invited to his party, his 1st was at the zoo and all of his sweet, little friends came and rode the train, had cake and petted the animals, it was fantastic!! Later for his parties, we went to our local park and still everyone was invited from both classes at school, it wasn't until we had a party at our house that he requested not everyone be invited..it wasn't that he didn't like everyone in his class, he just wanted a smaller party and not soon after he wanted a boys only party, although, he is great friends with one super sweet girl in his swim group (that is friends with other swim friends) so she was a definite invite. This year its looking like an online Fortnite party so still the question begs, do you still have to invite everyone and my answer is no. I think when kids are younger, it's a great way for them to learn socialization skills but once they are older and know what they want for their celebration, it's ok to not invite everyone, I know for my son, it can be overwhelming to have a lot of people around so a smaller party is better for him. 

Here is a great article talking about do you have to invite everyone.
